St. Angela Merici school has a strong focus on service to others, our patron saint’s charism. We place importance on helping our students develop empathy, kindness, and social responsibility. With these skills, our students develop a foundation to continuously be the hands and feet of Jesus in their daily lives. This year on St. Angela Merici’s Feast Day, January 27th, we held a day of service in her honor.On this day, we recognized the efforts in service our students have made over the year and each grade level worked on a service project of their own.
Early Childhood
Some of our little lambs worked on keeping our campus clean by picking up trash and pulling up weeds while others donated food items to our food bank.
Our little rams worked on painting oyster shells for a water diversion project. The shells are put back into our eroding coastline.
1st Grade
Our first-grade students made cards thanking our Grandparents Club for all the wonderful activities they have done for us this year.
2nd Grade
Our second-grade students completed their can top project by writing notes to the families who are staying at the Ronald McDonald house.
3rd Grade
Our third-grade students collected items for our food pantry and delivered them to our parish office serving those families in need.
4th Grade
Our fourth-grade students used their measuring skills to size 200 skeins of yarn that will be sent to the Magic Yarn Project where they will be crocheted into wigs for children battling cancer.
5th Grade
Our fifth-grade students worked on designs for rain barrels that will be stationed at our school and delivered to other schools in the New Orleans area.
6th Grade
Our sixth-grade students worked on books that they are creating about superheroes to read to first graders at our partner schools.
7th Grade
Our seventh-grade students put together blessing bags for the St. Joseph’s Rebuild Center where they serve sandwiches to those in need.
Service is at the heart of who we are at St. Angela. Incorporating these types of projects into our curriculum helps us to shape compassionate, engaged, and active citizens who have a heart for not only our community but also our church. If you have any suggestions for service projects that we can participate in the future, please email Melanie Haydel at