
St. Angela Angels

We’ve created St. Angela’s Angels, dedicated to bringing assistance to our school families during these difficult times. We want to make sure all of our families can return to school when we reopen. We want to ensure that St. Angela… Read more

Karaoke Can Keep Us Together

Our students meet daily as a school community with our morning meeting. We enjoy praying together, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, celebrating birthdays and discussing school activities and our Catholic faith. Wednesdays are a favorite because they are known for… Read more

Families Encounter Christ in Adoration

Encountering Jesus can transform our lives, our families, and our world. With that in mind, St. Angela Merici began weekly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for families before school each Thursday.  Why Adoration? Because spending time with the Blessed Sacrament… Read more

A Plan for our Future

St. Angela Merici School is developing a 5-year plan to build a long-term strategy for the future. Parents and parishioners gathered at an open forum in the school gym from 10:00 AM to noon on January 18 to provide feedback… Read more