
St. Angela Merici Students Awarded Top Scholarships

St. Angela Merici students took top honors across the Archdiocese of New Orleans in 2022. Alumnus Andrew Biehl was awarded valedictorian at Brother Martin. At graduation, he also received the A.F. Laborde Journalism Award and the Richard E. Lambert ’34 SA Award. Additionally, we are… Read more

Students Spread Warmth With Winter Coat Drive

When seventh grade student Connor Vorhoff scheduled a meeting to speak with the principal this fall, he had big plans. Connor is President of St. Vincent DePaul Society, a very active service organization at St. Angela Merici School. Each Wednesday… Read more

Students Bring the True Meaning of Christmas to Life

During December, our students presented the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem for our school. Families of our first grade and kindergarten students were able to join us on campus for these special productions.